Sunday, September 1, 2013


People online kept talking about it, but whenever I checked I never found anything. But its out and I watched it and I'm freaking out! I'm seriously shaking...Jin truly is a genius.

The dark Konoha, also known as Kuroha is the villain of Kagerou Days. Before the video Shinigami Record(which I will go over later), many assumed that Azami was the antagonist, but in this we clearly see she's a victim of Kuroha, just like the rest of them. From my understanding, he wants Mary because she has the ability of "unifying" the snakes that possess everyone. Does he want all their powers for himself? What does he want to do with that power? I don't know, all I know is that he's sadistic, callous, and terrifying. The video and song feel like were in a nightmare that he controls. The Mekakushi Dan want to protect Mary, but in the end Kuroha used them to torture poor Mary-chan. She loves all of them, when was with them everyday was fun. The last thing she wants is to lose them. Kuroha knows that. Twisted Kuroha, I can't wait to see you defeated. The theory going around is that the ability Ayano gave Shintarou in Lost Time Memory is going to be key in defeating Kuroha, but I also feel that Mary has a strength that she can use. I hope they do defeat, I really hope it doesn't end like it does in here.

Jin's Comment on song. Taken from (Mekakucity Records Booklet)
"This story isn't fictional.
And that’s why all of your ‘tragedies’
Are so stupid that it makes me yawn.”
Just like how when children are told by adults, “That’s so immature,”
There are times when people are looked down on from above.
Even if children view it as something grand and magnificent,
To the adults, it seems lacking and worthless.
However, imagine that there is an existence that looks down at those adults in the same way.
This is the song of a monster that overlooks everything.
People’s lives, hearts, meetings, memories, deaths—
He looks down on it all, as if they are “stupid” events in a book.
What if that existence started influencing someone’s everyday life to merely kill time?
Please enjoy this helplessly unfolding tragedy.


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