Saturday, August 24, 2013

Say Yes New Kpop group

                Hey it’s Ms. Lee Min Ho; we haven’t been posting lately because we just started school and we were trying to figure our schedule out. We can’t post everyday as we were doing on the summer, so this is our new schedule. On Tuesdays and Saturdays I will be posting. On Thursdays and Sundays Nadeshiko will be posting. Today I will be talking about a new group that just came out in the Kpop world. I have been super obsessed with them and I have loved every single song on their debut album. The groups name is Say Yes. They debuted on July 25, 2013 with their song Feels Good. They consist of 5 members who are really artistic and remarkable.
                The five members of the group are Su Bin who is the singer of the group, Sung Kyu who plays the acoustic guitar, Jon Hyoung who plays that drum thing but it isn’t a drum I don’t know the correct term for it, Si On who does play the drums, and lastly Ho Kyung who plays the guitar. When you hear them they will automatically remind you of CNblue, Ft island, and Led apple which I kind of agree. I feel that they kind of sound like Cnblue but different and they move like Led apple. I don’t really see them connecting with Ft island because their sound is really different. Their debut song is Feels Good, which is just perfect I really loved it. It’s a really upbeat song and you get to see all of their kills it’s great.  I really hope to see more form them. I don’t want to hear them being compared to other groups  in the future because they do have their own style and they do have something that separates them from the rest of the bands in the kpop world that’s why I like them. I don’t know much about the group themselves but I do know that they all play at least know how to 2 instruments, which shows us that they really do have talent and worked really hard to debut as a band. I hope to see them in variety shows and see them make more albums. This group is truly talented and I feel they will have a great future ahead of themselves. People are going to hear their music and be like, “that’s very Say Yes like” that’s what I do when I don’t know how to describe CNblue but by only saying, “It’s very CNblue”. So please check this group out and see how amazing they are. If you know any information about them please leave a comment below because I would love to learn more of the people in the group. Thank you so much for reading my post please check out my previous post which is about Nobuto Wo Produce Review

Question: Do you like Say Yes and why or why not? Leave a comment answering this question.

I love Say Yes they seem truly brilliant and left me wanting more. 


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