Hey, its Ms. Lee Min Ho so today
I will be talking about a truly amazing story that made me have so many
emotions as I was watching the movie, drama, and even reading the manga. It is
a Japanese movie called Sky of Love
it came out on November 30, 2007. The whole movie is based on a true story
which is something that is important while seeing or reading Sky of Love. The movie brought me to
tears and made me really respect the characters.
absolutely loved this movie; I adored every single part of it. It’s something
that I will never ever get tired of watching and a movie that I will always be
in tears in no matter what. Yui Aragaki who plays Mika Tahara did an amazing
job her acting was just so incredible and believable. At, first you could say that her character
was just a weak girl until she meets Hiro played by Haruma Miura. She starts
becoming strong and she is able to overcome the obstacles thrown at her even
though she has her times that she wants to quiet. Miura did an incredible job
as well I got so attached to his character and I couldn’t believe what happened
to him at the end it really had me in so many tears. Even though he is a bad
boy to others in the inside he is just caring and will do really anything for
Mika. This is just a perfect love story because it doesn’t really put the world
as something beautiful it shows the bad and good in relationships. So many
things happened to them that really made them grow and become mature people. In
the beginning of the relationship Mika ends up sadly getting rapped and when it
happened I was so surprised I didn’t expect that to happen. It was something
that you would never imagined to happen in a teenage relationship but it did it
showed the reality of the world and it didn’t just show the positive. I loved how caring Hiro was towards Mika and
how he only saw her but there is a part of the movie that I just really wish he
didn’t do. I understood his intension later on but I felt that he should have
told Mika what was happening instead of breaking up with her the way he did. He
just made her go through so much pain and he also went through more pain then
he already was going through. I really feel that I can’t review this movie as
well as I should because so many intense things happened and they are really
hard to explain. Also this movie is just too amazing, beautiful, and tragic to
give it a great review. I want to remind people who have watched the movie or
are going to watch it that it’s based on a true story. Mika and Hiro are real
people and all of this really happened to them which just make the whole story sadder.
I feel that this film is really hard to hate because Mika is sharing a story of
her teenage and young adult life. A story that has so much meaning and
importance to her and by doing so she is making herself vulnerable to
everyone. I truly respect the real Mika
and I hope as you are watching the movie you show respect towards her. If you
know that you aren’t going to like it just don’t watch it.

Question: What sad movies or coming to age movies have you
really liked?
For me it’s totally Sky
of Love it really gives you another view on teenage/ young adult love. It
shows you that it could be sweet at moments but sour at other moments but it
makes you grow as a person.
Watch drama:
Note to Mika: Hello Mika; I know that you most
likely won’t
be reading this but I have some hope. You are a great women and just an amazing
person. My friend and I look up to you because you showed us that we are able
to overcome any obstacle that may come our way and if we want to quit to keep
on going. Also that it is going to get better along the way. It is also one of
our dreams to meet you and we hope we get to live that dream. I just want to
meet you, huge you, and talk to you that is all. I hope now that you are happy
with your life. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the whole world
and I am happy I came across it. WE LOVE YOU MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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