Hey, it’s
Miss Lee Min Ho; today I will be review a Japanese drama called Kingyo Club. The drama came out on July
23, 2011 and ended on October 1, 2011. It has 10 episodes and each episode is
about 20 minutes long so it’s a pretty short drama. Even though it’s short, it’s a very emotional
drama that many teenagers might be able to relate to.
Harukawa started her first year of high school. She is a very quiet person and
very reserved because of that many of her classmates constantly bully her.
Besides being bullied in school, her mom practically hates her and pays no
attention to her. She is a very lonely person but one person noticed this and tried
to help her. Haru Hiiragi noticed that she was getting bullied and decided to
protect her. He knew how it felt to be hated by many people because he had the
same problem last year. Even though he was bullied before he still has two
amazing friends that cared for him and are always there for him. Koto and Haru
decided to create a club that just consists of them both they started becoming
closer but more problems started arising because they were together all the
drama was truly remarkable but I felt that it was so short. It hit so many
problems that many teenagers are going through especially now. Koto Harukawa
played by Yuiko Kariya did an amazing job. She is such a young person but her
acting was amazing and so convincible. Haru Hirragi played by Jingi Irie did a
great job as well at first I didn’t like his character because he seemed cold
but after seeing what he went through and how much he truly cared for Koto I started
really loving his character. The drama is very emotional and intense. It covers
the problem of bullying that happens all over the world but it also shows you
even if you feel alone there is going to be at least one person who is going to
be there for you. It also shows you even though you might be going through a
terrible time it will pass you just have withstand it. I really liked how Koto
hears some bad things about Yuiko but she just ignores it because she knows how
he truly is. I can’t review this drama without giving out spoilers because so
many things happen in the 10 episodes that just really get to you and you will
have some tears coming out by the time you finish the drama. I loved the ending
because it still ended with them in high school and how they were. Nothing big
really changed for them only that Harukawa become a little more confident and comfortable
and Hirragi became happier. But the problems they have to go through are still
there and they still have to face them. I really do recommend this drama because
it’s just so relatable to many people. It also shows that this world is
imperfect and not perfects how the rest of the dramas show them as. I only have one thing that i didnt like about this drama and it was when they kissed it always seemed to awkward to watch didn't enjoy those parts much.
Question: Which drama do you feel shows the reality of what
really happens to people? Please leave a comment answering the question and
about your opinions of this drama.
Sorry couldn't find a good trailer.
Watch Drama (the last 3 eps says its raw but they arent):
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