goes to the hospital to visit her mother in law or mother. As she is leaving
the hospital to go home and care for her daughter she realized that one of her
high school friends is in the hospital. She decides to visit her and she
figures out that she has cancer. Her friend asks her for one favor to bring
back Sunny. Sunny is their group of friends that they had during high school.
Throughout the movie you see her thinking about the past and we get to see how
her life was during the 80’s we also get to see how she meets her friends and
all the crazy things they did together. You go back to the present with Na-Mi trying to
find the group of friends and them acting like teenagers for the last time
Where do I start with this review the movie was just so great and I was really able to connect with it, I cried so much during the end but I also laughed a lot throughout the whole thing. Lim Na-Mi was played by Shim Eun-Kyung the teen version and Yoo Ho-Jeong the adult version. Both were so freaking great I can’t even express how much I loved them. I laughed so much in the beginning the group was going to get in a fight with another group called “Girl Generation” as they were cursing at each other Na-Mi starts shaking in the back and then starts going crazy cursing at them and the other group got freaked out so they ran away. At that moment the group Sunny was able to accept her, I just couldn’t stop laughing I thought she was just so adorable and didn’t expect her to do that. I also really liked the part were Lim the adult version was folding clothes at home and decided to wear her daughter’s uniform to feel young again. As she is wearing the uniform, her daughter comes back from school she tries to hide but her daughter ends up catching her. They just stare at each other and the daughter walks away saying that next time she should buy her own uniform. I was cracking up and I thought how embracing that must be if I caught my mom wearing my clothes I would just laugh and feel awkward. Kang So-Ra is played by Ha Chun-Hwa teen and Jin Hee Kyung adult. I loved the people who were picked for these characters. I felt that they looked the same adult and young. I really liked the character she was like a tough tomboy and totally had a leader feel to her. She is the one who got cancer in her adult years. She was totally my favorite character because you see how much she cares about her friend and will do anything for them. Hwang Jin-Hee was played by Hong Jin-Hee adult and Park Jin-Joo teen. All I have to say about this character is that even though she cursed so much she was adorable. Min Hyo-Rin was played by Su-Ji teen and Yoon Jung adult. I hated this character but liked her. I hated her because of her attitude and she treated everyone like crap. I liked her because at the end of the day she would defend her friends no matter what, I felt that Su-Ji and Na-Mi ended up getting somewhat close by the end of their teen time together. There are more people in the group but these people are the ones who really got my attention and ended up becoming my favorite ones. Throughout the drama you just see how close they become as friends and see that with each other they are really feel comfortable and could do anything. One of my favorite parts was Lim Na-Mi’s first love which was Joon-Ho played by Kim Shi-Ho who totally looks like a younger brother of Kim Hyung Joong. I just really like seeing her first love experience and her following him around. But then it also really saddened me because she got heartbroken by him she saw her kissing one of her friends but she knew it wasn’t her fault. As this happened you could actually feel what the character is feeling as if you are the one being heartbroken; I couldn’t stop crying in this part. In the future you see the adult Na-Mi going to see the adult Joon-Ho all she does is give him a drawing she drew of him and walking away I don’t know why but that part just got to me so much and I cried so much more. You see the adult version feeling the heart break of her first love again and trying to overcome it. I really liked the part when 4 of the people in the group when they are adults go to these bullies who were bugging Na-Mi’s daughter and start betting them. They didn’t care how old they were they enjoyed it because it brought them the feeling of being young together and knew this would be the last time they could ever do this again. The film was just so astonishing there were so many incredible parts to it which I can’t go over.
Question: What is something that made you laugh and cry in this movie or any other movie?
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