Proposal Daisakusen/ Operation Love Japanese Version Review
Hello, it’s
Ms. Lee Min Ho; so todays review will be the Japanese Drama Proposal Daisakusen also known as Operation Love. The drama came out on
April 16, 2007 and ended on June 25, 2007. It has 11 episodes and one special
that came out a year later. It was also remade into a Korean drama in 2012
which I haven’t seen but will see later on and I hope is as good as the original
one. I really adored this drama I couldn’t get enough of it.
Iwase and Rei Yoshida have been best friends since elementary school. They have
always had feelings for each other but could never tell one another how they
felt. Now its 2007 and Rei Yoshida is getting married to another man and Ken
Iwase starts regretted not confessing his feelings soon enough. But, then he
gets a chance or more than one to go back to the past and try to make Rei his.
He is able to do this because of one important person which is his own fairy
Yousei. Is Iwase able to change the future so Yoshida and him could be together
or is he always too late?
really enjoyed this drama and can’t stop thinking about it. I wish it was a
manga I really want to read it ahhhh. The main reason I watched this drama was
because Tomohisa who plays Ken Iwase is in it and I am a fan of his but at the
end I started to like the story line. But, what really got in my nerves was
that he kept on going back to the past but was never able to change anything
between him and Rei Yoshida played by Masami Nagasawa. He was able to change
the future for his two best friends Eri Oku played by Nana Eikura and Tsurumi
Hisashi played by Gaku Hamada. Even, when Ken went back to the past he was able
to ask her on a date, kiss her, or show her that he truly cares for her but their
future never changed and I got so irritated. But, then it was because Yoshida
was the one who was too scared to change things between them she always waited
for Ken to make a move which he did many times but she was the one who never
opened her eyes to realize the one she loved was in front of her confessing his
feelings to her. I guess she was just too scared to ruin their friendship which
is understandable but at the end you are just hurting each other and are making
things tougher. I suffered so much with this drama which I love and there was a
point in the drama which I hated Yoshida because she started dating Tetsuya
Tada played by Naohito Fujika and starts to tell Ken that she had a crush on
him but is now happy with Tada and other stuff with a huge smile on her face.
You could see all the pain on Iwase’s face and I was just thinking how she
could be so cruel to tell him all of this and see his suffering face. At, that
point Iwase tried his best on trying to confess to Rei by kissing her and
asking her on a date which she just totally ignored. I was so heartbroken and
so mad. Then the most painful scaring part of the drama was when Tada asked
Yoshida to marry him she said she would think about it and tell him over
dinner. Iwase talks to her to tell her not to marry him because he loves her
and he had always loved her. Then she goes on telling him he never understood
anything and other cruel stuff. I was just thinking that she was a big BITCH at
that point. She was the one who doesn’t understand and realize that she truly
loves him not the other guy; all he has done for you and you are just going to
ignore him and marry someone else without caring about his feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Errrr it got me so mad and I just had so many emotions by then I just wanted to
grab her, shake her, and tell her she was making a big mistake I couldn’t take
seeing him so heartbroken like that. That’s all I am going to say I said far too
much many more things happen this sounded more like a rant but it’s a good rant
I loved these parts but I just needed to get my feelings out. This drama had many
cute things about it and you truly see how hard Ken wants to get Yoshida back
and I love that. I also saw the SP which really isn’t about the main characters
is about their two best friends who were about to get married but then Oku
leaves on the wedding day thinking that Hisashi was cheating on her but at the
end he was just doing something so cute. This is one of the few dramas that
ended perfectly and they actually kissed at the end which for some reason
dramas can’t do that!!!!! The best ending I have seen in a romance.
I give
this drama a 9.5 out of 10 monohorns because I got aggravated on how he went to
the past so many times and it barely changed anything but I guess at the end he
realized something. But, overall this drama was amazing I couldn’t get enough
of it and I recommended it to anyone who wants romance. It also has the best
ending I have ever seen in a romance drama. That’s all I have to say please check
out my previous post which is about School
2013. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Question: What is the best ending of a drama you have seen?
Leave a comment answering this question and your opinions on this drama.
The best ending I have ever seen in a drama is this one and I
also liked Coffee Prince ending. Ooo ya and Hana Yori Dango.
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