Monday, August 5, 2013

Say "I love you"

Mei and Yamato
Nadeshiko-chan here reviewing a cute romance anime called “Say ‘I love you’”. It’s based on a manga by Kanae Hazuki, which is 11 volumes ongoing in Japan; the anime covers volume 1 through volume 7 chapter 28 and is considered complete with a total of 13 episodes. Let’s begin:
Mei Tachibana has had been betrayed by her friends again and again, the most traumatic being when they blamed her for the death of the class pet. Because of that she’s developed a hatred of and distrust in people besides her mother, wanting to be left alon. Then one day, because of a misunderstanding, she round-house kicks Yamato Kurosawa, the most popular boy in school. After this, he takes an interest in her and decides he wants to be her friend. He wants Mei to learn how to trust people and realize that not everyone will betray her, that there are people who will actually unconditionally care about and love her. The story follows Mei trying to grow as a person and her relationship with Yamato.
It’s an adorable love story and it’s easy to relate the Mei, especially for people who have been badly betrayed or people who’ve wanted to grow as a person themselves. She’s strong-willed, though a very indecisive at times but it’s excusable because it’s caused by insecurity and inexperience, not because she’s a weak person. I also love what great lengths Yamato goes to in order to understand and protect he’s crush. Sometimes they misunderstand each other, but at the end of the day you can tell they’re simply an idiot couple.
From what’ve read and what’ve seen, the manga is more 18+ while the anime is 16+. The manga also
Aiko; Mei; Yamato; Asami; Kenji (a total pervert)
introduces characters and develops relationships better, it felt a bit rushed in the anime and there were two or so instances where I had no idea who someone was and was never introduced to them. But I still think it’s a cute anime more than worth watching. That’s all for today. Bye-Bye


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