Hi it’s
Ms. Lee Min Ho; todays review is a Japanese drama. The drama is called Boku to
Kanojo no XXX or Your and My Secret. I think this drama is based on a manga
correct me if I am wrong but I am pretty sure it is. I'm not sure what day or
month it came out in but i do know it came out in 2005 or 2006. It is about 17
minutes long and it has 7 episodes, so it’s a pretty fast watch.
So my thoughts
about this drama are that I completely hated it. The plot was just really dumb which
ruined the whole drama. In the end nothing gets figured out and they don’t go
back to their own bodies. The bodies are still switched after they got all the
money and only reason they can’t switch back is because the grandpa went to a trip
for a few years and they now have to wait for him to comeback. The thing that I
hated was that only Uehara really did like her but she didn’t like him back. It
seems that she actually liked being in his body because she was able to sleep
with girls so now he has no hope on the girl liking him back. The actors of the
drama were Mai Takahashi and Shun Shioya I can’t really judge their acting
because the whole drama was just terrible and their acting just seemed bad as
well. They weren’t really able to show their true potentials through this
drama. I guess the only good thing of this show was that it was so dumb it was actually
I give
this drama 1 monohorn out of 10 monohorns. The reason that I even give it a 1
is because it was a really fast watch and it was pretty funny at some points.
But, the rest was terrible I would never rewatch this drama the only time I
would is if I want a laugh out of it. I do not recommend anyone to watch it. That’s if you have read
the manga and liked you could like the drama. So that is all that I need to say
thanks for reading our blog. Please read my previous post which was about
Playful Kiss the Korean version.
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